Was shocked when someone wrote in facebook..
"Minho is coming to sungei wang m'sia this 26th oct". To promote etude??err..~tabun..
What???!!!!Hisshhh..why it has to be that date??*_*..pelase don't come minho-cchi..come next year during summer=)
Updates from me me me me..
1)booked her flight ticket to belfast..*_*.......And haven't tell her parents yet*_*....sorry mom for having this soooo independent daughter*_*...(lol)
2)worrying about 'her' journey to places..soon..
3)Worying her 'what is nice about NICE?"+_+
4)lAUGHED HEAD OFF when knows she got admitted in batu seremban for notts game(haiyah~)
5)Wondering who is her groupmates...LANOLIN??Where are u guys??(haha)
Looking forward for kurisumasu holiday!*_*..So many exciting plans(exam oii!+_+)
feels undefined...for not calling her family for almost 2 weeks??*_*.....I'll call tmorrow!!*_*
zettai ni(sob3*)
Lalala..Today I have a nice aberdare tour with my coursemates..she's from Bangladesh.It was nice tho!I DO love the view from her room's wndow!!HoNtouni KIREI!
However..Everything was so quite that sometimes...I tend to daydreamy~kekeKek~
iT'S COOL when she said she got the scholarship frm cardiff univ.bla3.She misses her home..and that she envied us for having large batch group from m;sia*_*....
Of coz i'm bz talkin about my japanese fangirling mode+_+..she was like...(=.=)
"why u like jap so much?"
I just smiled..=p..coz i'm afraid she'll fall asleep before i can finish answering(lol)
tHEn se asked me why I chosed pharmacy...*_*..I said..coz i dun want medic or dentistry...haiyah(this so non-motivated girl)+_+
Then I said...somehow i was thinking why do i have to recite all those nuclei acids,,enzymes..isomers.bla3333...i can jst have a nice cullinary studies at my hometown,work,and visit japan=)....
Then,,went back home..
*_*..I feel guilty for having that 'cheap' thought.sob3..forgive me minna!I'll study hard and prove your expectation to me is definately right^^
i JST THINK.If it's not me.then,who else?*__*..ahah~(crazy mode)
Weee..We managed to get a blender soon*sob3*..bye2 chopping onion on boards!!*__*(hahahah)
HMM...TOday is my bestie's tanjoubi..she's so far away..*_*...she's the one that affect me to jap virus(tnx to prince of tennis)..and other animes she introduced(hoiyah)
Happy b-day to her..=)Be a good doc and I'll come to seek your help soon^^ganbarimashou yo!
Lastly,I'm sorry if this blog looks as if it's all baachan's.(lolol)
lalala..yappari,,chicken stew is the best*_*..I feel sorry to miss/mister prawn..sobs3..you'd being too much 'dehydrated' ne??hahaha.Pardon for my salt-pouring skills. =.='
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