Nothin good is really happening on 26th oct 09....=(
i accidently CUT MY INDEX FINGER when slicing the tomato...
My hand burn when the hot cooking oiL suddenly sparked on my lefT hand..(Tnk God it's left hand.=D)
I was really shocked!!*_*'s my 1st time that so much amount of oil fell onto my hand+_+....(kowai yo)
my friend was shocked as well.haha(it was so funny if I were to recall her reaction..lolol)
aND i WAS SO shocked at how calm I am!lol.And those familiar handburn treatment's scene that usually aired on TV came across m very COLD tab water run thru my burned hand..I felt numb +_+..haiyah~
fAILed to find any good resource for her NICE..
and some annoying email is upsetting her mood+_+....
she took some remedy by playing baTu seremban..woohh..until game 11th!!=D....Go me!!=p
anD thanks to ASDA that came today!!waahhhhhhh..on9 shopping is really eyes sparked when I saw the man brought 3 BIG baskets of our ordered items!*_* many oishii cookies..and many222 more foods(of coz!).=D
and yeah...It's cheap/=D
AND he asked to sign on some elecronic screen..kewl..=D
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