Tuesday, September 22, 2009

akuma: Raya Raya!

wuuhuu~ finally after 1 month of fasting its Raya!~
well I'm actually a bit late for this as today is already the 3rd raya..haha..

the 1st raya I spend it at my grandma's house.
Helping her to treat people..
and got lotsa money that day =D
that morning as I was listening to 'takbir raya' biha-baachan onlined.
I'm so proud of her coz of her achievement..
But at the same time I felt pity for her coz she didn't spend her raya with her family.

The second day of raya. I flew to KL.
yey~ as I arrived at the KLCC(airport) I saw a bbbiiiiiiggggg banner of SS501 welcome to Msia.
wwoohh~so sad that it was for before.
then we (me,my daddy,my mommy n my sis) waited for about 2 hours for yuka-kaijuuchan's flight to arrive..
haiyaa~such a troublemaker.!

then she arrived with her mom,dad,that old yama (oh gosh..I've fallen for him..again..haha..shhh..yuka) and her little bro.
her mom n dad looked kinda same..but age-ing...haha.
old yama looked..yama like..haha..
yuka looked like a monster..wahaha..
her lil bro..well umm..i've never seen him b4 so this is the 1st time..soo cute..
i never thought riku followed..haish..
riku looked kinda eunhyuk-like~still the same..
her sis..kumako-chama~omo..yeppuda!so pretty..

so then we all went(in one van) to Cititel hotel..
me,yuka,old yama,my sis n her lil bro is staying in one room..
while our parents in two seperate rooms and riku n kumako in one room next to us.
so now.i'm having a headache hearing all the japanese language spoken here..

at dinner today..old yama announced something shocking that made me soo dissapointed but a very happy news to others.
hoho~old yama n kumako r planning to b engaged after they finish studying..

ahh..full of frustration~..
can't write more coz of frustration~..

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