my phone cannot open this site..
i dont know why.
recently i have class trip to Hokkaido..
really fun!
so many flowers!!
all falling flowers..
kirei naaa....
and also before that we have an activity that is to take care of a forein kid.
kawaii naa...

and this is a picture of my friends when we are in Hokkaido..

Lately, I'm having problems with my friends..
aahhh.. so hard to explain.. i wish niichan was here to help me translate.
Its like I think she is using me.. etto...not sincere to be my friend..
its very clear that she only wants to be my friend coz of riku.
onee.. nadiaa.. dou ?!!
when last year before me n riku become koibito she confessted to riku.
yokatta he reject her.
then after me n riku become koibito she suddenly become my bestfriend.
before this she wont even talk to me.
dou dou? and she always use me so that she can be close to riku.
daikirai naaa!! kirai kirai! should i tell riku?
oohh., he would just said that i'm jelous..
waaa =(((
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