this is so pathetic...I lost before I can even play..sob3..demo..ima daijoubu yo..
There were REALLY A LOOOTSS of Malaysians there*lol*..
Of coz delicious foods are there as well+_+..I ate like ALOT!!
I met lots of my ex-A-levelians..Waaa..minna hontuni genki dayou*_*..and co0ked really well(-D)
Pasta to frying rice to chicken to lasagne to cucur hontouni UMAI.=D
And OMG.I bought some cheap choco(ok,enuf about foods.*_*)
But it's really nice to reunited..I miss them.sob3...Yasmin cried..and before I realised,my eyes are wet..*_*....
Hopefully we can meet again during winter..=D..
tHIS IS MY 1ST TIME board on train here.maa......our return train was cancelled at it's our 1st we waited for the nxt train..and pray so that we got a seat..snce we'r now boarding on other's slot of train*_*....really troublesome..But I managed to find a seat..and no one claim the seat..=D..(LUCKY)..But i'm so damn dizzy snce it's moving backward!*_*..
My t-shirt!!=D

My plan for nihon is still on!I've been lookin on lots of wbsites to gather bunches of infos..haiyah..
Really troblesome..snce I have limited of time to play..huhu..And lucky me i found a competion to win a free tix to japan.(lol)...but yeah.I won't hope somuch&_*..and even IF i did win..I have to consider bout time..etc..and of coz i have to check upon thsk's oppas schedules as well..huhu
A way to get the konsaato tickt bla3(ah,yukari should b able to help.-D)..NE??
aND OKANE!!Of coz..must save alots..and now i'm thnking of buying dbsk+elf t-shirt*_*...of cz a fanclub tee...not the official..huhu..
*sigh*..tired2222..But must study.=]
'Break up the shell' never fail to gve me a 'sugoi' impression for our dongbang oppas.*_*..
and of coz the violin mix of jumon..and cool purple line dance*_*...aitakute...wait for this cassiopeia to come*_*...
Ah,another cute clips of suju during henry's b-day surprise party(during my brthday of coz!!=D)..
AND Silly Hae shoved the cake onto henry's face..LOL...And minna sang genie's~SNSD..(I wonder why!!!!dying to know*_*)...sowa ni marebwa~ ~~~*ignore my spelling.=D
*THEY ARE SO LOUD!!..haha~
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