oh ehm geee!!=D...
my 'baby' had arrived^^
*ding dong*..*(kring33 actually).=p
I heard someone ring dingdong.Then,my housemate rushed..i'm so lazy to dress up and open the the door.lol
I heard someone ring dingdong.Then,my housemate rushed..i'm so lazy to dress up and open the the door.lol
Then,I was about to take a bath.
*kreek*..i opend my door/
there!i saw a brown coloured medium size box..OMG!there's nothing more popping in my head!it must be the lovey dovey dear hoodie*_*..
Violently(lol),I took the box,and unwrapped it*_*
aww..it was just light weight itself ..since its merely 2 hoodies..lol.
Recently the temperature dropped very low!!the highest is mostly 0 degree.I'm too scared/lazy TO GET OUT from the house.i need a new chochlolate supply!*_*..biscuits..snacks..sweetss!!etc.......
sob3..But Consider as what had happend in other places with the snow storm and such,I should be grateful enough that weather in cardiff is still acceptable.
BUT!I was worried about coming to exm..owh...exam oh exam..*_*..kowai yo....the pedastrian walklooks very slippery..the news about a pedastrian died out of fell on the slippery icy pathway!+_+Evn my friend fainted after slipped!
I'd slipped once..3 weeks ago..and somehow I can still feel the pain..+_+...trauma
Yukari..Please be strong..^^I duno he has wake up or not..But i'm always pray for your happiness.Dakara,ganbarinasai.shikari shirou yo^^
NAdia..You must be shock as well about the news deshou??huhu..What I want to say is..
after this you will have less time to on9(PMR).Just do your best.Make sure u collect all the A's^^
jealous jealous...!!! aigoo~